Many of us often ask ourselves “Should I see a counselor? Do I need help in making the necessary changes in my life? Will counseling help me be happy again?”

Our fast-paced life is full of challenges, from high education standards and pressures at work to hectic family schedules and financial worries. We usually rely on our stamina and believe that we can manage it all. And most of the time we can. However, some of our life challenges are just too overwhelming. Sometimes, we need help to get back to ourselves.

Signs and Symptoms That You Would Benefit from Counseling

How to know should you see a counselor? Here are five possible signs you should sign up for a counseling evaluation:

1. There is Too Much Stress in Your Life

It is most likely time to see a therapist when you constantly feel fatigued, worried, and overwhelmed. A counselor can help you recognize the main stress triggers and encourage you to find productive ways to manage stress in your life. Depending on the nature and severity of your symptoms, your counselor may suggest techniques like mindful meditation and/or relaxation. Or you may work together on recognizing the negative mental patterns and how to change these patterns.

2. You Don’t Know how to Overcome Anxiety

It is not easy to manage the daily life demands and keep your mental fitness at a high level all the time. A counselor can help you acknowledge your worries, fears, and any other issues that generate your anxiety symptoms. Furthermore, counseling may increase your attentiveness to irrational fears and biases to make changes through awareness. Finally, your therapist can help you boost your coping skills and focus on positive outcomes in life by reducing the overwhelming experience of anxiety.

3. You Need Help in Managing Depression

Changes in mood, together with the loss of interest in things that you once enjoyed are possible signs that you struggle with depression – a serious mental health condition that you should not handle on your own.

Persistent feelings of sadness, apprehension, hopelessness, or guilt may be the reasons that bring you to counseling. A depression counselor can help you recognize your depression symptoms and their roots, and work with you on increasing your mood.

4. You Survived Trauma

If you went through a traumatic experience or extremely stressful life event, you might consider seeing a counselor. Therapy is often a good place to start working on your feelings after the traumatic experience. In fact, your therapist’s assistance and guidance may be essential in preventing the PTSD or depression symptoms. Seek therapy today with an experienced trauma therapist in the local Cary office to improve the aftermath of trauma in your life.

5. You Have Relationship Issues

Whether you have been struggling with communication issues, coping with the infidelity or you want to strengthen the emotional connection with your partner, counseling can be a safe place to acknowledge your emotions. Couples therapy can help you search for positive ways to resolve the tensions or upgrade your relationship. We are experienced and efficient in making changes to get your marriage back on track.

How Can Counseling Help You Feel Better?

Counseling can help you to pinpoint your struggle areas and support you in finding the best solutions to meet your needs. A counselor can help you relieve anxiety and depression symptoms to improve daily quality of life. Moreover, counseling sessions will enable you to recognize negative thinking patterns that possibly trigger your anxiety or/and depression and support you in developing a more positive outlook. Also, therapy can help you improve your coping mechanisms and reclaim a sense of control of your life by processing through a history that continues to affect your functioning.

Throughout the process of counseling, you will learn to set your priorities, build strong boundaries, and discover your personal strengths that you can use to improve your quality of life and relationships with other people. Your relationship with your counselor is collaborative and based on trust and equality that will allow you to share your thoughts and feelings without the stress of judgment that your may get from a friend of fmaily member.

How Can a Counselor Help Assess the Symptoms?

After a conversation about your concerns and discussion of things you’d like to change, your counselor will help you decide whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Assessing your symptoms is important for your counselor to get a full understanding of your needs and the best ways to meet them during the therapy process.

Address Your Concerns and Questions

In your initial counseling session, you and your counselor will work together to build accepting and trusting relationship. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about your condition, possible causes, the best treatment options, and financial arrangements. Discuss with your counselor the possible assignments he or she may expect you to complete at home. Plan your sessions scheduling and therapy duration together.

How to Be in Control of Scheduling and Duration of Sessions?

Work, school, child-care, and household chores probably don’t leave much free space in your daily schedule, so fitting in a counseling appointment may be challenging. Your therapist will work with you to book your session when it is convenient for your busy schedule. Your therapist can collaborate to create the session plan that suits your needs and ensures the best outcomes. Session times are available at convenient hours and always feel free to inquire about additional openings or last-minute sessions.

Make a Decision to Improve Your Life Today

Some life struggles can be too much for an individual to bear. Anxiety, depression, or PTSD are serious but common and treatable conditions. Counseling may help you make hoped-for changes and live a happier life. Ask about intake today and take the next step toward a better you!

Communication Should I See A Counselor?